Professor Kenneth Dean


1. First and Last Emperors: The Absolute State and the Body of the Despot (合著);
2.Taoist Ritual and Popular Cults of Southeast China
3. Epigraphical Materials on the History of Religion in Fujian: The Xinghua Region(《福建宗教碑铭汇编:兴化分册》,合编);
4. Lord of the Three in One: The Spread of a Cult in Southeast China
5.Epigraphical Materials on the History of Religion in Fujian: The Quanzhou Region(《福建宗教碑铭汇编:泉州分册》,合编);
6. Ritual Alliances of the Putian Plains: Vol. 1: Historical Introduction to the Return of the Gods, Vol. 2: A Survey of Village Temples and Ritual Activities(合著);
7. Chinese Epigraphy of Singapore: 1819-1911(《新加坡华文铭刻汇编 1819-1911》,合编)



Professor Michael Szonyi



1. Practicing Kinship: Lineage and Descent in Late Imperial China

2. Cold War Island: Quemoy on the Front Line

3. The Art of Being Governed: Everyday Politics in Late Imperial China(中文版《被统治的艺术:中华帝国晚期的日常政治》)



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