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演讲题目 :《 香港1949 :新中國和海外華人之間的樞纽 》
Speech Title:
Hong Kong 1949: New China’s Linkage with the Chinese Overseas



黄绍伦教授现为香港大学社会系荣誉讲座教授及香港人文社会研究所名誉教授。黄教授的主要研究兴趣包括企业精神、商业网络、移民过程、社会指标,以及中国社会学发展。黄教授的主要编撰著作有《现代中国的社会学与社会主义》(1979年) 、《移民企业家:香港的上海工业家》(1988年)、《香港华人家族企业个案研究》(与郑宏泰合着,2004年),以及《香港社会发展指标2006》(与梁世荣等编,2008年)。黄教授现任香港树仁大学校务委员会主席。

演讲题目 :《 方言认同与马来西亚华人研究
Speech Title:
Dialect Identity and the Study of the Chinese in Malaysia 

黄子坚, 马来亚大学中国研究所所长,马来亚大学全球计划与战略中心主任及马来西亚华人研究中心主任、文学院历史系教授,担任中印半岛和东南亚历史的教学工作。研究方向主要包括马来西亚华人研究、中国与东南亚关系及沙巴历史研究。他曾是剑桥大学莫德琳学院及台湾国立清华大学社会科学与人文研究中心的访问学者, 曾担任日本京都大学综合区域研究中心、法国巴黎社会科学高等学院及亚欧研究所客座教授。黄教授还是新加坡华裔馆理事会、皇家亚洲学会马来西亚分会理事会成员。

主要发表论文有:The Diaries of G.C. Woolley, 1901-1907 (2015) [G.C.伍利的日记,1901-1907(2015)];The Nguyen and Champa during 17th and 18th Century (2007) [17和18世纪越南阮氏王朝与占城(2007年)];Historical Sabah: the Chinese (2005) [沙巴华人历史 (2005年)];Historical Sabah: Community and Society (2004) [沙巴历史:社区和社会(2004)];The Transformation of an Immigrant Society: a Study of the Chinese of Sabah (1998) [移民社会的转型:沙巴华人研究(1998)];Vietnam-Malaysia Relations during the Cold War (1995) [冷战期间越南与马来西亚的关系(1995)]。


Danny Wong Tze Ken is currently Director, Institute of China Studies, University of Malaya, and Professor of History at the Department of History, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, University of Malaya where he teaches history of Indochina and Southeast Asia. His research interests include the Chinese in Malaysia,  China’s relations with Southeast Asia and history of Sabah. He was Visiting Scholar at the Research Center for Social Science & Humanities, National Tsinghua University, Visiting Professor at the Center for Integrated Area Studies, Kyoto University, Visiting Scholar at Magdalene College, Cambridge University, Visiting Lecturer at Ecole des  Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris and Visiting Professor at the Asia-Europe Institute.

Among his publications are: The Diaries of G.C. Woolley, 1901-1907 (2015), The Nguyen and Champa during 17th and 18th Century (2007), Historical Sabah: the Chinese (2005), Historical Sabah: Community and Society (2004), The Transformation of an Immigrant Society: a Study of the Chinese of Sabah (1998) and Vietnam-Malaysia Relations during the Cold War (1995). Professor Wong is a Member of the Board of Governors, Chinese Heritage Centre, Singapore and Council Member of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. He is also Director, Global Planning & Strategy Centre and  Head of the Malaysian Chinese Research Centre, both at University of Malaya.

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